Thursday, June 16, 2011


I followed the instructions over at Isabella and Max Rooms (awesome decorating blog!) to make the headboard and it worked great. Of course hers is absolutely perfect but whatevs. By the way, I really really love nail guns and staple guns! :)


stencil love.

I think stencils are awesome and I have seen so many amazing projects on tons of different blogs. I have wanted to try it out myself and now is the time!


The above image is from She honestly has the most amazingly beautiful home I have ever seen! It’s totally my style and I absolutely love everything she does :) I copy her a lot.


She also stenciled these trays and they look very cool.


She has this cool fireplace and the wall above it sticks out a bit and she stenciled on that part of the wall. She also has this awesome antler head-thing that is totally random but looks amazing!


She used the same stencil in her master bathroom.


Here are some other really cool stencil projects that I have been drooling over.

trellisafter_thumb cgheadboard_thumb2

So here is the one I am going to attempt to copy in our master bedroom! I’m only going to do the accent wall that I painted darker (the one our bed is against), but I’m so excited!


I know it’s going to take forever to trace the stencil (which I have already made and cut out of sturdy cardboard) and then fill it all in, but I think it will be worth it!


Dan thinks I’m totally crazy and I will regret it, but I have no problem taking my time and working on it a little bit at a time.


I’m going to do it a little more subtle than she did in these pictures and use a color a few shades lighter than my walls and maybe add a pearlescent color to it so it has a slight shimmer like some of the pics above.


Here is the finished product from Check out her whole house-I love it!


So what do you think? Am I way crazy? Is it going to look amazing or will I regret it? Worst case scenario: repaint the wall! Yay! I can’t wait to get started…now if I only had to work 5 hours a day that would be perfect….

If it works out I may just add a stencil in our “nook” where our built in desk is in the kitchen/family room area!

Moulding Ideas

I'm thinking of doing something similar to the above pics and the one below for the office/future nursery. I want to do something in there that can easily be transformed to a nursery when that time comes around...(peeps: you can keep asking us about that and we'll let you know as soon as we decide..ahem STEPH!)

I love the detail and pop that the moulding gives the room and it's so simple and cheap and easy to install especially now that I have a nail gun! There are so many different things to do and so many great ideas out there for me to copy in blog-world.

I want to do picture frame moulding (above and below) in the living room. We are going to get a piano for that room soon...yayayay! I have wanted a piano forever and we have been keeping an eye out for a great deal on a used piano from ksl. I love to play and can't wait to play at home.

And I'm using some moulding to frame our master bathroom mirror (I also did that in our half bath, but I'm doing it a different way this time. Here is what it will look like when I'm done:

So there are a bunch of awesome moulding ideas. Check out these posts/sites more more awesome inspiration!

Master Bedroom

I feel bad that I haven’t posted for a long time, but I also haven’t had a whole lot to post about either! But here are some updated pics of the past few weeks. Our master bedroom has basically been done for quite awhile and even though there are still things I want to add/change, here is what it looks like right now. First of all, here is a terrible picture of what it looked like when we bought it. Yucka.


And here it is now!DSC01125

This is at the top of the stairs looking down the hallway into the bedroom. Lots of pictures ahead…DSC01117DSC01124DSC01132

It’s hard to tell, but I love the texture on the headboard. It’s thick upholstery fabric and it has raised circles.


The dang drawer on my dresser doesn’t stay closed! Sometimes it closes and sometimes it doesn’t but this time it was uncooperative for my pictures! I would still like to get another dresser and paint it yellow but that is something I may do later. I also used chalkboard spray paint and an old frame to make the cute chalkboard sign on the left.


I had this wooden tray from our wedding and I used painter’s tape and spray paint to make a cute design and I use it to hold my jewelry and perfume.


I love love the stenciled wall! You may notice a tiny part by the left nightstand that looks weird and I still need to fix that…ugh.


I did a lot of projects in this room. Here is everything I did;

-painted the walls (Behr Porpoise and Behr Creek Bend for the accent wall)
-stenciled one wall using a homemade stencil and pearlescent craft paint
-recovered lampshades with muslin and ribbon
-made upholstered headboard with nailhead trim
-repainted nightstands and added new hardware
-added ribbon to bedskirt
-spray painted frames
-made the curtains with hemming tape
-made a framed chalkboard
-spray painted tray
-traced, cut out (with Dan’s help), and painted the letter H above the TV
-painted and reupholstered the chair

I hope you like it! We love it and I still have lots of big plans and I’ll post pictures of our master bath soon!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Room ideas

Mod Gray and Pink Nursery

DIY Decor - birds

Bird mobile & decals


Fabric Hoops

Mobile Idea

DIY Crib Mobiles

Bluebird Nursery


Pom Poms